
People on a lecture

The EU is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as set by the international community, in 2015. This commitment is reflected in the EU’s policies and practices, but also in its projects, that work toward the direction of upholding an adopting the SDGs in all EU Member States.

Accordingly, the Sustainability21 (SUS21) project, is a project that aims at promoting social and cultural sustainability in the field of adult education and civil society, in the framework of the SDGs, under six different topics:

  1. Dimensions of Accessibility
  2. Adult educations promoting sustainable development
  3. Responsible consumption and production
  4. L’importante e la salute – Health
  5. Achieving gender equality and empowering women
  6. Well-being

The topics will be conducted by a consortium of six partners from Finland, Poland, Italy and Cyprus, which have worked with several topics of social and cultural sustainability, and have regocnised the need of clarifying the meaning and supporting the concrete performing of sustainability in the everyday European life.

The main target groups of SUS21 are educators, facilitators and coordinators in the field of adult education and people working with civil society associations and NGOs; and the objectives of the project are the following:

  1.  Improving the knowledge and know-how of civic society association actors regarding sustainability and enabling association actors and target groups to adopt socially and

culturally sustainable practices in their overall activities and operations

2: Improving the knowledge and know-how of target groups on how to improve education that carries out cultural and social sustainability. SYNTHESIS is very excited to be part of this project, and is eager to contribute in its own way.

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