The questionnaire can be uploaded in ENGLISH ans ITALIAN version

The questionnaire is part of the project „SUS21- Education as a Constructor of Social and Cultural Sustainability for the 21st century”. It is built in 4 parts:

– Personal and contextual data
– Me in the organization
– Me and my colleagues
– Me and my relationship with people outside my workplace

If you are a worker, you can use it to reflect on the different aspects having an impact on your well-being at work. The goal is to help you to self-reflect on those aspects to assess how you feel at work from the organisational point of view, to find which are the promoting/protective aspects and which one are the weaknesses or the obstacles to well-being. So, you’ll be able to reflect on the different areas and to think on what you can change, empower and foster to promote well-being and what you can propose to your coworkers and/or line managers as points to take care of. You can use the excel file (provided in the SUS21 webpage), to fill out the questionnaire and get a radar chart to have the visual feedback of “The star of well-being”. You can even use it in different times and visualize the change. If you are a line manager or the head of an organization/association you can discuss with HR manager, supervisor and/or in service trainer to use the questionnaire within your program, in example proposing it to your workers and using it as the base to reflect in group about the several aspects.

When answering each question, please focus on your personal experience.
– There are no right or wrong answers. We want to know what you think.
– The questionnaire is anonymous. In case your organisation will collect the data, it will be its responsibility to report the results in aggregate form.
– We kindly ask you to answer all questions.
– Your answers will be used to improve the well-being of people, organisations and communities.