English Version
The writers share their experiences as instructors and experts by experience. The publication is meant primarily for instructors and teachers working with people of different ages in art and cultural activities. But since accessibility, equality, and agency are issues penetrating our entire society, the articles contain food for thought and dialogue for all readers who work with people in all sorts of activities.
ALL IN ENGLISHFinnish Language
Julkaisu onkin koottu ensisijaisesti taide- ja kulttuuritoiminnan parissa eri ikäisten ihmisten kanssa toimiville ohjaajille ja opettajille. Mutta koska saavutettavuus, yhdenvertaisuus ja osallisuus ovat koko yhteiskunnan läpäiseviä aiheita, löytyy artikkeleista keskustelunavauksia ja pohdittavaa kaikille ihmisten parissa toimiville lukijoille ja kaikkeen toimintaan.
Suomen kieli
About the article
A Safe Space: Physical space – Social space – Individual private space.
„The instructor should not get stuck on the possible diagnoses or limitations of participants. It is more important to focus on what connects us and what kinds of exercises can be done together.”
read me Ελληνικά ITALIANO
About the article
„Senses affect us as artists. They are universal, they connect all kinds of people, while at the same time they are a resource that stems from the individuality of each person.”
„And if art is about sensing things, then limitations become possibilities to discover new perspectives into art.”
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„I had to abandon all the helpful teaching materials that had been created previously. The contact with colours had to be established through other senses.”
„I believe that the experience of a creative process is the same regardless
of sensory limitations.”

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„Being guided by native sign language artist is how these children will become artists who leave their mark on the Finnish cultural landscape, making it an equal space for everyone, and demonstrating that there is no one right way of being an artist, but instead it belongs to all.”
„Deafness becomes something to be treasured. It becomes a positive attribute that requires an environment that supports activities in a native language.”
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„In my art, I do have to consider whether the reason I’m asked to play a gig is because I’m a bloody good performance poet, or because I’m disabled.”
„And at the same time, I’m aware of the fact that probably all this I’m telling you now is at least ninety-seven and a half percent internalised ableism.”
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In early 2022, Faisa Qasim and Salaado Qasim organised a photography exhibition Suuria unelmia – tarinoita suomalaisista (Dreaming Big – Stories of Finns). The exhibition gave the spotlight to people from Finnish minorities who have become established in positions in the Finnish society.
read me italiano Ελληνικά